I have 11 friends on facebook and one..... just one... following my blog. Now...... how should I weigh this. Should I do a 'wow....... you are such a loser' . Or.......... 'I'm good'. The smaller my world is the less complicated it seems to be. I moved to the middle of nowhere to prove a point. OK...... where I moved is where I grew up.... no bigger challenge here. Really. However, I've started playing golf with someone I graduated with (who stopped talking to me because I forgot I was in her wedding.....) who has a lesbo sister that plays with us. I love this planet. It's the size of a pea.
This is not really about the number of friends ones have but finding friends when you least expected it. It gets even weirder but I won't bore you with the details .... but the planet is now officially smaller than a pea.
It's hard to pay attention to the world around you when you have kids, pets, job, work release programs, etc. Shit gets passed me.... and I play catch up. Do you? Do somethings in your life get run over.... didn't even notice the speed bump.