I have 11 friends on facebook and one..... just one... following my blog. Now...... how should I weigh this. Should I do a 'wow....... you are such a loser' . Or.......... 'I'm good'. The smaller my world is the less complicated it seems to be. I moved to the middle of nowhere to prove a point. OK...... where I moved is where I grew up.... no bigger challenge here. Really. However, I've started playing golf with someone I graduated with (who stopped talking to me because I forgot I was in her wedding.....) who has a lesbo sister that plays with us. I love this planet. It's the size of a pea.
This is not really about the number of friends ones have but finding friends when you least expected it. It gets even weirder but I won't bore you with the details .... but the planet is now officially smaller than a pea.
It's hard to pay attention to the world around you when you have kids, pets, job, work release programs, etc. Shit gets passed me.... and I play catch up. Do you? Do somethings in your life get run over.... didn't even notice the speed bump.
Skeet - I only have one follower on my blog (and it ain't you) but I know lots more come by...
Sometimes you can't measure things simply by what's in plain sight. You gotta take some things on faith.
(I ain't saying go to church tho)
george michael did say it best.......
this really wasn't a commentary about me in general. i wouldn't take me very seriously..........
YES, man... sometimes I can't start my day without some George Michaels lol
Hey, don't take me too serious either. I tend to talk out my ass at times.
If I knew your Facebook name, I'd ask to be friends.
If I knew how to follow a blog, I'd be on yours!
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