Thursday, October 9, 2008

SNL....... on thursday.

did you watch it? i snorted a couple of times..... and that is a good thing. marry me Amy......

i think this is a miracle happening... true genius at work. i hope the universe tuned in.....

but i've been checking out some video my ' friend, Rusty' pointed out and a couple of others and i've decided to join the NRA.... something is very very very wrong. there is some voodoo like crap going on. pod people..... RUN....... and a gun of some kind is mandatory........... for me, i'm going to beam up... let others to do the heavy lifting. see... i joined something for nothing. but if i could get in the face of the blonde..... the rabid one.... it would go viral. i would hit her up side the head with a mcpalin poster. going going gone..............

meanwhile........ nevermind.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

the dame is back.........

well....... i've been on the wagon to nowhere for the last 2 months. i had a big scare with the 'big T' a couple of months ago and finally today i said.... fuck it. for those of you out there that don't drink...... someone's gotta drive. thank you.

i am thigh high in politics lately. i actually 'took out back' the other day and i pulled her hair and i won. fuckin' pussies. you know droppin' the g's could help with carpal tunnel. a letter saved is a letter earned......

i used to do 'a day in the life'........... nobody gives a giant dump what i did today. so...... forgive me for just 'wingin' it'.

dame skeeter