Tuesday, November 4, 2008

stick a fork in me........

... and aim for one of the big three in vital organs.... I. AM. DONE. i live in a giant mega ginorumish city of pop. 12oo (plus or minus 1). I have driven the last McfFlatuance to vote and i did everything a democracy ask of me. now the Dame and i have an afternoon off.... all i want to do is just think in total silence.... and drink tequila.

it could not be a nicer day here in the middle of nowhere. 71 degrees. i live in a blood red state... the weather was the last hope of the W.

shrub : was Armageddon to much to ask for...........

how many times do you 'flip off' the TV...... every time you need to. i'm talkin' to the 24/7 crowd. hi... i'm skeeter and i main line 24/7.... it makes crack seem like Redbull. ' sure... i would love to go bird watching'........ my friends care unless they see a youtube moment. everyone is just one oopsie away from your 15 minutes.

tailgate...... wiki for the details. here in the lone state state it's still a big... i mean mostly a 'tRash' holiday. and we have them mostly for anything and i LOVE it. i wouldn't park anywhere else. if you think about it... a home on wheels is not a 'none of the above' box. hang on... my ankle friendship bracelet is going nuts. kidding....... or not.

the next person around me that sez 'what if...........'