Thursday, October 30, 2008

i'm guilty......... my bad.

i'm guilty of politicism. if you drive a bus feel free to give me a push. i'm going the extra mile. drivin' (fuckin' palin....) folks that can't... won't.... whatever... find their way to cityhall. oh oh oh.... I paid 2.14 for a gallon of gas yesterday.... could not have come at a better time however bad that may be.

my dog is a vegan.

i skeeter canNOT do 24/7 news..... my friend rusty has put RachMo (RaDo) on hold while i... the perv that i am.... love the outfit. MUTE....... that is the button of choice. i can watch Rachel while the Talking Head's talk me down. same as it ever was.........

if you don't think of anything but me me me..... mcpalin wants to take that from you. you think things are bad now....

gotta run... a dude sittin' a basket of depends needs a ride. vote...... we earned it.


Your friend, Rusty said...

"if you think things are bad now."

Exactly. Keep on truckin those voters, G.

Mojopo said...

Hi, Skeeter! I love what you've done with the place. Imma catch up on ym reading now.

I politicize everything too. And I even had little tiny weepy tears when I got to vote early.